System Maintenance Schedule
In order to maintain superior service quality, we perform regular system maintenance as scheduled below. User cannot log in to our WebTrade during the period.
Regular maintenance timetable: 06:20am -07:00am (Monday to Sunday)
Our system does not support concurrent log in. Your PC should not maintain more than one browser, open with WebTrade platform at the same time. To prevent any data crashing, please ensure to log out your previous account properly before starting to log in another account.
For security purposes, you will be automatically logged out if your account remains idle for longer than the preset timeout period.
Due to the inherent unreliable and insecure nature of the Internet as a medium of data transmission, there is a risk that communication over the Internet may be interrupted, delayed or accessed by unauthorized parties. Notwithstanding measures taken by us to minimize such risk, we accept no responsibility for any loss or expense that may result or incur from interruptions, delays, unauthorized access or any reason beyond our reasonable control. You should not place any instruction with us over the Internet if you are not prepared to accept such risk.
Recommended browser environment: Edge44, Chrome75, Firefox68, Safari12 or higher; Resolution 1024x768 or higher
Our SMS service is currently experiencing technical service disruptions, resulting in you unable to receive your one-time password via SMS. If you have any enquiries, please call our 24-hour InvestLine (852) 2878 5555 or contact your Relationship Manager.